
What are hormones? 

Hormones are our bodies messengers, they control every function in our body. Good hormone balance allows us to feel well, healthy and energetic. Hormone responses are unique to everyone individually, and various factors can contribute to this. 


Hormones have a complementary and balancing effect with each other. If our hormones are not in balance our general wellbeing is affected and we can display a variety of symptoms. This includes conditions like menopause, peri-menopause and premenstrual tension.

Why is hormone replacement important? 

The goal of hormone replacement is to restore hormone balance, essential for all aspects of health and wellbeing. 

We age as our hormones decline, replacement can slow the body's natural decline, providing energy and vitality.

I believe in the use of bio identical hormone replacement, to create natural hormone balance, in association with lifestyle modifications and appropriate supplements to optimise your own hormones.

What are bioidentical hormones? 

Bioidentical hormones are identical in molecular structure to our own hormones, which allows them to be processed in the body in the same way as our natural hormones. 


They are sourced from plants, namely yams. A substance is extracted and modified in specialist laboratories to create exact replicas to the hormones we produce. These hormones include estradiol, progesterone, testosterone. 

Why use Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)? 

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is an exciting step forward in the science of healthy ageing. 

Bioidentical HRT is founded on the principle that everyone is unique and therefore hormone treatment should also be unique.

As the hormones used are perfectly matched to the chemical structure of human hormones, the body recognises them as our own (rather than foreign as with conventional HRT), and therefore are largely free from unwanted side effects.

BHRT is an art in recognizing symptoms of hormone imbalance and evaluating these with laboratory test results to create a treatment schedule that meets your individual needs precisely. 

Key Hormones


Estrogen is associated with providing our feminine energy and vitality. Benefits of estrogen replacement include improvement in hot sweats and flushes, memory and concentration, energy, quality of sleep, mood, improvement in sexual desire, maintenance of bone density and reduction in wrinkles. There is also evidence of possible reduced risk of heart disease. 



Progesterone has a natural soothing and calming effect.  Replacement can enhance mood, reduce irritability and improve sleep. It is a natural diuretic so reduces bloating.  Progesterone is vital in balancing estrogen 



Testosterone replacement can improve libido, well-being, energy and motivation. It helps to maintain bone strength, and muscle mass and tone. 


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